Things to Look for in an Asphalt Contractor: Insights from an Asphalt Installation Contractor in Apopka, Florida

Asphalt installation contractor in Apopka Florida

Things to Look for in an Asphalt Contractor: Insights from an Asphalt Installation Contractor in Apopka, Florida

Commercial asphalt surfaces are designed to be durable, visually appealing, and safe. But unfortunately, if you hire the wrong asphalt installation contractor, your pavement might be none of these things.

Before you hire a contractor to install a new asphalt surface on your property, you’ll want to be sure that the results will be worth your money. The question is: how can you tell whether the asphalt installation contractor you’re considering is trustworthy?

Finding the most qualified asphalt installation contractor in Apopka, Florida will require some homework, some intuition, and the willingness to be patient during your search. If you are looking for a reliable contractor, here are some of the things you should look for:

Communication skills

Reputable asphalt installation contractors in Apopka, Florida can explain all the minor details about your project. These could include the reasoning behind selecting the asphalt mix, the traffic control measures to be implemented, and the specific processes. Consider moving on to the next option if the contractor appears to be annoyed by your questions, gives vague answers, or relies primarily on complex industry jargon.

Things can happen that will require clear communication between you and your contractor — think an unexpected storm that could push back the start date, a problem acquiring the necessary permits, or a drainage problem that was previously undetected.

Can you trust your asphalt installation contractor to provide clear answers before you sign a contract? If not, how can you trust them to keep you informed of any problems or delays once the project is underway?


Marketing experts understand that unsatisfied customers are much more likely to write a negative review than satisfied customers are to leave a positive one. Customers who are happy with a service tell an average of three people about their positive experience with the company. On the other hand, disgruntled customers tell 15 to 20 people about their negative experience with the company.

When checking references for the contractors you are considering, remember that people are far more likely to provide bad information than positive. If you find that a contractor has excellent online reviews, that everyone you speak with praises the contractor’s work, and that the Better Business Bureau has no unresolved complaints against the contractor, you have most likely found a trustworthy Apopka asphalt installation contractor.


No matter how small the job is, you should ensure that the contractor carries workers’ compensation, general liability, and vehicle liability insurance before letting them work on your premises. If one of their employees gets injured on your property, damages vehicles in your parking lot, or causes damage to your building or your landscaping, you may be liable for the financial repercussions.


Experience is the best teacher. Experienced asphalt installation contractors in Apopka, Florida have almost certainly run into all types of unusual situations that might arise on your project, so they will be familiar with how to deal with them. They have most likely learned through experience how to do things in the most efficient manner possible without compromising quality.

However, it is vital to ensure that your contractor has experience performing the type of job you want. For example, there is a significant difference between patching a pothole and paving a parking lot.

Looking for the Best Asphalt Installation Contractor in Apopka, Florida?

Are you looking to hire a reputable asphalt installation contractor in Apopka, Florida? If so, you’ve come to the right place — All Asphalt Services is the company to call. We have been the leading asphalt repairs company of choice for commercial property owners throughout the Apopka area for decades. Contact us today to request a free estimate.

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